Dear Friends of DBAI,
Let me begin by greeting each and every one of you the best of all good things that God Almighty has to bestow upon you, your families and your near and dear ones. From our side, we have been blessed in many ways including your continuous support for our vulnerable children who are having a future due to the kindness of all good people like you.
At this juncture, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that we have updated our website and made it much more informative and user friendly.
You can now find it easier to get information on our initiatives, our requests, our challenges and our activities. I invite you to be an integral part of all our initiatives as and when you find the time to do so.
We are in the second month of this Jubilee year. I wish that you and everyone you know has a safe, secure, steady and successful year ahead.
Wishing and praying for your best.
Yours lovingly,
Fr. Andrews Stephen Raj sdb