Our Projects

Bosco Illam and Saranalayam

  • 08-02-2025
  • Madhavaram

Since 1998, the organization provides residential care and protection to the children in need of care and protection. Each year, around 100 children benefit from the residential care program, which offers integrated care and support to those at risk from the age group of 6 to 18 years. Boys Home is called Bosco Illam which is located in MKB Nagar and Girls’ Home is called Saranalayam which is located in Madhavaram. The children's homes provide food, shelter,education, medical and emotional support to the children.Further, they are involved in recreations like sports, yoga, dance, music, gardening and so on to mprove their skills. The after-care supports vulnerable children who are above the age of 18 years who have completed their schooling from the 2 CCIs.Here, the individuals who are orphaned, semi orphaned and economically weaker get financial support to complete their higher education like graduation in arts, science, paramedics and diploma courses.
